3 Stealthy Gadgets You Wish You Had for Portraits

3 Stealthy Gadgets You Wish You Had for Portraits Portraiture, like any other photographic endeavor, requires that you have a good bit of gear. Heck, even if you just have your camera, a couple of lenses, a flash and tripod, and a few other essentials, you're carrying quite the load. It's a good thing there are so many photography companies...

How to Take Candid Portraits of Your Kids

How to Take Candid Portraits of Your Kids Have you ever seen a beautiful candid portrait of kids like the featured image above and thought, "Wow, I wish I could do that?" Though it might seem like a task that would be fairly complicated, it's really quite straightforward. Sure, there's all the technical stuff to bear in mind, like...

Simple Tips for Taking Better Self-Portraits

Simple Tips for Taking Better Self-Portraits We spend an awful lot of time learning how to take portraits of our friends, family, and even our pets. In fact, there are scads of portrait tutorials on our website that cover all aspects of composition, lighting, framing, posing, and so forth. But, you know what photographers often don’t...

The Best Portrait Lenses For a Budget Price

The Best Portrait Lenses For a Budget Price Imagine this scenario… You want a nice lens to use for portraits of your friends and family. So, you hop online, search “best portrait lenses” for your particular type of camera, and boom - you’re presented with a lineup of really expensive glass. Then the sadness sets in. As a casual...