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Beginner Photography Tips


What Bird Photography Gear Do Beginners Need?

Photo by JamesChen via Shutterstock Every unique type of photography requires different gear if you hope to achieve the best results within that genre. For example, what a bird photographer needs will differ from what a portrait photographer needs. That’s why we created this...

Four Simple Beginner Photography Tips

Photo by Red Fox Studio via Shutterstock Scrolling through Instagram and other social media platforms makes it easy to see other people's photos and envy them. However, what if we told you, with a few simple tweaks, your feed could be the one your...

Urban Photography 101

One of the most overlooked photography genres worldwide is urban photography, even though millions of people practice it. Why is that? Why doesn’t it get the recognition it deserves? What exactly is urban photography? And how can you improve your results? This Urban Photography...

How to Shoot in Manual Mode – Beginner’s Guide With Examples

Photo by Olezzo via Shutterstock When you're just starting out in photography, shooting in full auto mode has its advantages. Primarily, you can focus on developing your creative eye without having to worry about the camera settings.  Of course, at some point, understanding how to control...

Understanding Camera Specs: What’s the Most Important for You?

When shopping for a camera, you can easily get overwhelmed with information. There's talk of resolution and megapixels, sensor size and ISO range, and burst rate and aspect ratio. And that's just the beginning... The question is, what do all these specifications mean, and which ones...

What to Check When Buying a Used Camera

Buying used equipment is one of the best tips I have for photographers, no matter where you’re at in your career. I buy cameras online all the time. There’s just no better way to save money than with used gear! But, I have also been...
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