Nude Male Photography Tips

Though photographing the male form isn’t all that dissimilar from photographing the female form, there are some male-specific tips to consider when creating male nude photography.

Nude male photography is much more than simply a naked man posing for the camera.

Instead, with the tips outlined below you’ll learn how to create nude male fine art photography – images that celebrate the human body in a way that’s tasteful, beautiful, and respectful.

It’s important to note that for illustrative purposes, we’ve used images of men that are covered up. This is a family-friendly site, and though the models are clothed, the photos still illustrate the critical points we’re making for improving the results you get in your nude male photo shoot. Please also note that if you want to learn more nude photography tips, check out our nude photography guide!

Table of Contents

Nude Male Photography: The Basics

Model Release

Photo by Virrage Images via Shutterstock

Before we get to the tips specific for male naked photography, let’s quickly review some basic tips for working with nude male models.

First and foremost, you must have a completed and signed model release form. Under no circumstances should you work with a model without having this documentation!

Not only is it unprofessional, but it could land you in very hot water down the road should a model sue you for using their likeness without permission.

Give Directions Verbally, Not With Touch

Nude Man against black background

Photo by – Yuri A via Shutterstock

Secondly, when working with nude male models, never, ever touch them unless you have express permission from them.

Just like when working with a nude female model, a nude male model is in a vulnerable position, and it’s your job to make them feel comfortable and safe.

If you feel as though you need to direct the model (say, to have the model in the photo above dip his left shoulder), do so by verbalizing what you’d like them to do or simply demonstrate the best nude poses for him. If you must touch the model, they must give you permission to do so first.

Make the Environment Comfortable for the Model

athletic muscular young man

Photo by Alexander Molofeev via Shutterstock

Third, make the environment as comfortable as possible for the model.

We’ll get into shoot locations for nude male photography a little later, but for our purposes at this point, just know that the more comfortable you make him, the more likely you’ll be able to get the best results from the model.

This can be something as simple as warming up the temperature in the studio, providing a bathrobe to wear between shots, and having water and snacks on hand in case the model needs them.

This is all just common sense practice, but these tasks can easily get lost in the excitement of preparing for the shoot.

Nude Male Photography Tips

1. Finding Models for Nude Male Shoots

body of a muscular man BW

Photo by Edelweiss81 via Shutterstock

Not everyone in the world enjoys having their photo taken even with their clothes on, so you might imagine how difficult it can be to find people that are willing to have their photo taken in the buff.

Finding models for male nude photo shoots is not something you should try on places like Craigslist. That just opens up a big can of worms that you don’t want to deal with.

Instead, it’s best to use a modeling agency to find male models that are comfortable posing in the nude. When working with an agency, the more specific you can be about the needs of your photo shoot, the better.

Male dancer Leaping

Photo by 6348103963 via Shutterstock

By that, I mean you should be able to clearly explain to the agency the types of photos you have in mind, the purpose of the photos, the body parts you’d like to focus on, and the physical characteristics you need the model to have. The more information the agency has, the more likely they’ll be to help you.

Quick Tip: If there’s not a modeling agency in your area, try consulting with local artists, other photographers, art professors at the local college, and so forth. Though you might not have a finger to the pulse of the local modeling community, others in the arts world might. Additionally, it is imperative that you have references who can vouch for your professionalism as a photographer. Models want to know that you’re not just some guy in his basement with a camera, so provide them with at least three former clients that can speak to your abilities behind the lens.

2. Models Don’t  Have to be Totally Nude

Shoulders of an athletic man

Photo by Volodymyr TVERDOKHLIB via Shutterstock

You have the ability to highlight the male form without the model being completely nude.

The image above is a perfect example of this…

The model’s shoulders and back are the focus of the image and the fact he is still wearing jeans doesn’t detract from the photograph

Nude man with red cape, in Asian hat with a katana

Photo by Rotozey via iStock

Additionally, as is the case when photographing a female model, having clothing on can actually make the shot more sensual – it helps direct the viewer’s attention to the parts of the body you want them to view while also creating some playful mystery as to what the rest of the model’s physique might look like.

As shown above, well-placed clothing can also provide the model with some anonymity – the hat hides his face, leaving us to wonder what he might look like.

Often, in nude male photos, people tend to think of images that are risque. But as you can see here, not only do the models not have to be nude for a great shot to be had, but having clothing on can actually make the image even more visually appealing.

Keep Reading: How to Choose the Perfect Portrait Photography Location

3. Use Props for Nude Male Photography

nude mane with mask

Photo by HannaMonika via Shutterstock

One of the most basic – yet most helpful – portrait photography tips is to incorporate props into the shot.

This does a couple of things for the image.

First, props add color, texture, shapes, and other means of visual interest to the photo. For example, in the image above, the light not only boosts contrast in the scene, which helps accentuate the model’s physique, but the shape of the light also adds visual interest.

What’s more, the light gives the model something with which to interact. Being active in this manner rather than simply lying there or standing in front of the camera often results in a more interesting and dynamic shot.

 boxer with red gloves raised to his face

Photo by Prostock-studio via Shutterstock

Second, props can be used to tell us more about the person in the image.

In nude male photography, it’s still important to convey who the model is – it’s not just a photo of his body.

Quick Tip: Props can help the model relax in front of the camera. Playing a role, or in the case above, highlighting a personal quality, trait, or interest, can go a long way in helping a male nude model release some tension and stress and enable him to pose more effectively or the camera.

4. Use Dynamic Posing

 male ballet dancer with fabric

Photo by Master1305 via Shutterstock

As mentioned above, one of the benefits of including props in a nude male photo shoot is that it gives the model something with which to interact, which often results in a more dynamic shot.

Notice how this shot accomplishes two things: First, the extended arms help lengthen the model’s body, giving our eyes more territory, so to speak, to inspect.

Secondly, this is a much more unusual pose than you’d normally see. That uniqueness is an advantage when creating nude male photography – you want to add poses that are novel in some way, that way the collection of images you create retains the attention of viewers and isn’t just a collection of typical nude male poses.

Man doing pushups

Photo by Eskymaks via iStock 

Another element of dynamic posing is highlighting the musculature of the model.

Granted, not all nude male models have defined muscles, and that’s okay. But if they do, putting them in a pose that helps you highlight their muscles can result in a beautiful shot.

As shown above, this dynamic pose helps put the model’s shoulder and arm muscles on full display. Note how this image also hits on other themes we’ve discussed – there’s anonymity since the model’s face is hidden and he’s also not completely nude. Combining these tips for nude male photography in this way is an ideal method for creating the best-looking nude male photos.

Quick Tip: Be careful when using dynamic posing that is isn’t too dynamic. That is, you don’t want the model to be moving around, per se. Instead, focus on nude model poses like those above, in which the model is bending, stretching, and extending their body.

5. Try Different Types of Lighting

silhouette of male ballet dancer BW

Photo by Max Acronym via Shutterstock

If it’s dramatic nude male photos you’re after, try using a single-light setup for the shot.

As you can see above, having one light helps create beautiful contrast that showcases the model’s body.

The dynamic range of this shot is fantastic, with bright highlights and deep shadows that turn it into a fine art example of nude male photography.

Using a single-light setup is easy too – just place the light to the left or right of the model, have him turn slightly toward it so the sidelighting falls across his body, and you’ll get the same kinds of highlights and shadows you see above.

Try High-Key Lighting for Nude Male Photography

Black man's nude torso

Photo by – Yuri A via Shutterstock

But it’s important to experiment with other lighting, too, like the high-key lighting shown above.

In this case, the abundance of light washes out the background and brightens the overall image for a completely different vibe than the previous photo.

Yet, though the lighting situation is completely different, we still get a result in which the model’s form is highlighted. Notice how the more subtle shadows on his body nonetheless help define his musculature, similar to what we saw in the previous image.

In the end, nude male photography isn’t that much different from normal portraits.

You need to be supportive, communicative, and sensitive to the model’s needs. You need to explore different poses, introduce props, and create different lighting schemes to vary the results that you get as well.

If you can follow these simple nude photography tips, you’ll be in a position to create images that are much more than just nude men photos. Instead, they’ll be beautiful and tasteful representations of the male form.

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Hero Photo by – Yuri A via Shutterstock

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